Bush Hawk


An important chapter of Canada’s aviation history is told for the first time in a new book by S.R. (Rick) Found.


Undaunted Belief

by S.E. Rick (Found)

An important chapter of canada’s aviation history is told for the first time in a new book by s.r. (rick) Found titled bush Hawk (Undaunted belief) the Found family’s name is famous among bush pilots, worldwide, for having built a tough little freighter aircraft designed for hard service in canada’s wilderness. the author’s father, sherman, along with his uncle Nathan (bud) Found with financial backing from department store magnate John David eaton took on the herculean task of gaining FAA certification for their dream aircraft. Despite both financial and engineering set-backs they hung in and produced an airplane that outperformed anything being then imported from the United states. so why, with an industry begging for the plane, were only 27 aircraft produced? Financial consultants and timid bankers did the trick and crashed the Found FbA2c before it could gain altitude. For 15 years the rights to manufacture lay in eaton’s vault, but (Undaunted) bud Found did the phoenix from the ashes thing and the bush Hawk flew once more. Don’t wave the maple leaf just yet as what is known as angel money became the devil’s own and the Founds lost their bush Hawk to investors once more—this time across the seas from where it is about to reappear in international skies.


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