Using Postie to allow users to send and automatically Post to the website is very useful if you have editors/contributors in many locations. The Postie environment allows you to do that quite easily. The setup is quite involved but it works and can make your entire environment much more professional and editor friendly
This is how you do it:
Get the Postie Plugin:
- Go to the Plugins wordpress area
- add new
- search for Postie and install and Activate it.
- Go to settings for Postie
- Mailserver
- Sockets
- 993
- dave std
- -5
- check manually
- All
- Yes
- Yes
- No
- User
- Administrator
- any user’s email address
- editor
- No
- No
- Message
- html
- Yes
- News
- Yes
- Yes
- Yes
- blank
- publish
- standard
- post
- Live From the Field
- comments
- Yes
- Yes
- Yes
- Yes
- :start
- :end
- Yes
- No
- No
- sender and administrator
- Yes
- UTF-8
- Yes
- Image
- No
- Yes
- No
- Default
- Before
- Yes
- Start at 1
- #img%#
- wordpress default
- Mailserver
- Leave the rest of setting categories as they are
Setup Email
First I setup a new email address for postie for and
The way this works is that you send emails to the email address and follow these instructions
To setup the email:
user: sunsetba
psw: dave std with 0117
- scroll down to Email
- select Email Accounts
- Create Account
- psw dave std
- click Create Account Button
- Go to Account and select Set Up Mail Client
- scroll down and note the Secure IMAP SSL Settings
psw: dave std
Port 993
Sending an Email:
The default category is News in
To send an email post to the automatically do the following:
- Have your email authorized to send to the site (call Dave…he will put it into postie – users)
- Send your email to
- For Categories other than News make the subject category: and the title of the post that you want
- You can also insert photos
- The first one will show in the website news areas at the top
- To mark the beginning and ending of what you want to appear
- :start (place before text)
- :end (place after text)
- Make sure that the subject/post title is category: Post Title (do not forget the space after the :
- Make sure to send the email to
- Make sure that you get your own email authorized to send emails to this site.
To setup a new user:
- get their email address
- Place it in User – Email Addresses of the Postie settings
- Create a new Post Category if you wish
- Have them send an email to
- have them put a subject/title in of category: post title (don’t forget the space after the colon)
- Have them test it.
- In the Mail Server section of the Postie settings you can change the Check for mail every: from check manually to whatever you want, but as long as it is set to check manually you need to go to the sidebar in settings and click the Process Email Button to load any received emails into the Posts
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