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Book Captures Great Bush Planes

December 8, 2017 David Niles 0

Acclaimed Canadian aviation photographer Rich Hulina has published his second volume of images and aimed his lens at some of the most beloved airframes in service today. Hulina sought out the operators of rare and […..]

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Float Operators Criticize Tower Plan

December 8, 2017 David Niles 0

Telecommunications giant Rogers Communications is revisiting a plan to put a 40-metre cell phone tower near the shore of a southern Ontario lake used by floatplanes. The Waterloo Record says Rogers plans to put the […..]

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Online Book Store Launched

December 1, 2017 David Niles 0

Canadian Aviator Publishers, which publishes COPA Flight and Canadian Aviator Magazine is taking a major step toward preserving the rich history of Canadian aviation through the establishment of a mail-order book store. Aviator’s Bookshelf is […..]

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Hall of Fame Inductees Announced

December 1, 2017 David Niles 0

Canada’s Aviation Hall of Fame will induct four new members at a gala dinner at Sunwest Aviation at Calgary Airport next June. “In 2018 we will again be honouring four Canadians for their outstanding places […..]

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